What is the difference between manifest and latent coding in content analysis?

which I generally expected a 100-word answer. For such questions, illustrative examples are better than lengthy definitions.

1. Explain the measures of univariate variable description that we have (i.e., frequency, central tendency, and dispersion). What do these measures tell us? Why are they useful?

2. What is the difference between manifest and latent coding in content analysis? Give an example of when you might choose one coding technique over the other.

3. Discuss the major strengths and weaknesses of qualitative field research. Offer an example of research question that is more appropriate for using qualitative field research method than quantitative research method and explain why.

4. Discuss the difference between case study and extended case method by using public administration examples.

5. What is a codebook? Construct a codebook for the following questionnaire items.
a. Sex
( ) Male
( ) Female
b. Age at last birthday?
c. How many brothers and sisters do you have? (Count only those who are now alive. Include stepbrothers and stepsisters and children adopted by your parents.)
d. What is your current marital status?
( ) Married
( ) Widowed
( ) Divorced
( ) Separated
( ) Never married