What do you or any other student stand to gain or lose when you adopt Pratts point of view?

For your second essay assignment, look back over Pratts essay, “The Contact Zone” and using Pratts terms, like transcultural, safe house and imagined community, examine/analyze a representative scene from your own experience with schools and schooling. What examples, stories, or images best represent your experience? How might they be interpreted as examples of community, as examples of “contact zones”? Think about how someone who has not read Pratt might interpret the scene. You should also think about your position in an argument about school as a contact zone. What do you or any other student stand to gain or lose when you adopt Pratts point of view? How would it alter the institution of education?
As with any writing, your introduction should contain an attention-getter, some background about the context, and an interesting, informative thesis. Each body paragraph should focus on one main point, and will be supported by evidence that you quote, paraphrase, or summarize from the text. After you quote, you will interpret the authors words and analyze their importance to the point you are making.
Aim for five to seven sentences per body paragraph, and connect paragraphs logically by using transitional phrases. Your conclusion should sum up your points (but not repeat them exactly) and finish with a prediction, a challenge to readers, or a philosophical statement and new knowledge. Youll also need a catchy and appropriate title that is neither too broad nor too narrow. The Little Seagull Handbook contains information on thesis, conclusion, transitions, and such topics.
Your final draft should be at least 1000 words long, formatted in MLA style, with in-text citations and a Works Cited Page (see LSH).
Only essays that are written in reasonably correct prose will earn a passing grade, so if you know you have several syntax and diction issues, consider visiting the Learning Center.
I look forward to reading your essays.