The goal of this writing assignment is to help the student develop skills in a writing technique called ?

compare and contrast? which is a basic form of scholarly writing that is fundamental to more advanced forms of scholarly writing.

Purpose: The purpose of this brief scholarly writing assignment is to (a) further develop the student?s scholarly writing skills while also (b) engaging the student in a detailed and systematic exploration of the similarities and differences between two theories of personal or professional interest. Comparisons identify the similarities and contrast two things systematically across defined parameters-for example, to propositions, uses and purposes, or clinical utility
? Clear statement of purpose that provides insight into the paper?s topic.
? Identify two theories of professional/personal interest from identified textbooks.
? Clearly compare the two theories to one another.
? Clearly contrast the tow theories to one another.
? Provide a detailed description of how both theories relate to nursing practice and nursing research.
? Determine which theory is more ?useful? for your future nursing practice and scholarship.
? Clearly state a conclusion that summarizes the main findings of the paper in relations to the paper?s purpose.