Marking the surgical site


Paper details:

Developing a Policy
2 Instructions

Final Project Instructions

Your assignment is to write a paper on how you would develop a policy (new or revised policy and specify which) to address an issue identified in a practice setting. This writing assignment should adhere to APA style and be between 3-5 pages NOT including the title page and reference list.

You are to delineate processes for getting the policy adopted and implemented within that practice setting. Using these “steps” as headings for your paper elaborated on the required items listed here.

a. Who are the people directly addressed in the policy? Includes internal and external people. Internal = within the organization. External = Those coming into the organization such as vendors.

b. What are the needs/wants of the identified people? How will you identify their needs/wants?

c. How will the policy respond to their needs/wants? What does the policy and/or procedure provide for these people?

d. What processes and/or procedures will be needed to produce results to meet the need for the identified people.

e. Who will be responsible for implementing this policy – What is your institution’s process for policy development and revision?

Consider and include, at a minimum, potential issues related to safety, culture, collaboration, finances, information management, and resource utilization, if applicable, when writing this assignment.

You must follow the steps identified above and support your narrative with evidence from the scholarly nursing literature. Use Headings in your paper to indicate section topics.
This assignment must be submitted via Turnitin on the Moodle home page no later than 11:55p.m. Monday of Week 7 and will be graded using the rubric posted on Moodle.

This project is worth 15% of your grade. Feedback can be expected 72 hrs after the due date & time