How your animation adds value to your topic

COMP607 Visual Effects and Animation
Assignment 1: Multimedia Learning Project (40% of coursemark)
Individual Assignment
Learning Objectives Assessed
1. Apply sketching and storyboarding techniques for media design
2. Create a graphic composition using various graphics techniques and export to target delivery
3. Apply animation principles and methods in the design and creation of 2D and 3D animation
(focus will be on 2D methods for this assignment)
In this assignment you will create a web based multimedia presentation for a specific topic. The
presentation must apply and demonstrate 2D Animation principles and methods and visual effects
techniques. You are free to determine the type of visual effects or animation methods that you use,
however more complex animation techniques will attract higher marks. All animations must add value
in the presentation of your topic.
You have the option of implementing your multimedia presentation and animations using either HTML5
(HTML, javascript, CSS) or CreateJS
All graphic content generated using GIMP must be optimised and in an appropriate web format. Sound
should also be incorporated with your presentation.
Ideas for your topic
Your multimedia presentation can be used to tell a compelling story, increase public awareness about a
topic of importance e.g. (new zealand election, endangered species), or be used in a training scenario,
such as using animation as a way to assist in learning the New Zealand Road Code.
Initial Storyboard Design
Create a design brief outlining your topic with some storyboard sketches and design notes. You can
choose to use a tool such as Microsoft Powerpoint or develop free hand sketches should be scanned
into digital format (these must be clearly legible). Please submit these in PDF format.
In Class Presentation
You will need to give a 5-10 minute in class presentation of your assignment that should cover. Please
also write these up in PDF document for submission.
1. Description of your topic
2. Explanation of visual effects used
3. Types of animation you chose to use and why
4. How your animation adds value to your topic
5. Explanation of animation and visual effects coding
6. Problems encountered and how you addressed these
7. Any Suggestions for further improvement
Due Dates
Initial Sketched Storyboard Design due in class – Monday 19/03/2018
Be prepared to present your initial ideas on your topic. At this stage your selected topic cannot change,
however you are not bound by the design you have given, modifications or variations on this design are
permitted. Submit your initial design to moodle
Completed Assignment Submission – Monday 9/4/18
What to Submit
• Your completed assignment code
• PDF document containing your written explanations as required by the presentation and any
instructions needed on how to run your assignment
• An updated version of your storyboard reflecting the final completed assignment in PDF format
Submit this via moodle submission link
In class presentations – Monday 9/4/18
Please be on time and ready to go. It may be prudent to test your application on the tutor machine
prior to the commencement date.
Marking Schedule