How does the market structure reflect the behavior of the companies within that market and the governments own economicpolicy?

How does the market structure reflect the behavior of the companies within that market and the governments own economic policy?
select any one company currently trading goods and/or services within your own country . (or a country you can easily research).
use appropriate economic theory and commercial data, identify the type of competitive market structure(i.e perfectly competitive; imperfectly competitive/monopolistic,oligopoly,duopoly,monopoly) within which it operates. (NB if this is a large organization you are advised to limit your topic to just one of its main product/services markets.)
How does the market structure reflect the behavior of the companies within that market and the governments own economic policy?
Please note :
Evidence base to support conclusion.
select national context to base your research.
Justify conclusions with appropriate evidence.
examples : relevant microeconomics theory
the competitive structure of the market and the behavior of firms and consumers within it.
any evidence of history of government interventions if no intervention explain why that might be and how that non-intervention impacts upon the structure of the market.
the impact of international trade or investement such as forgien direct investment(FDI). Again if there is no international trade or investment why might that be the case and impacy does that lack of activity have?