How do the authors qualifications and/or credentials contribute to her credibility?

my paper should answer the following questions WRI 101: Critique Worksheet
Refer to “A Toxic Work World” to answer the following questions.
1. What is the central message (main idea) of the article?
2. Briefly list the authors qualifications (experience) and credentials (academic degrees).
3. How do the authors qualifications and/or credentials contribute to her credibility?
4. Provide some background information on the topic.
5. Draft a thesis statement that reflects the strengths and the weaknesses of the article.
6. Write down the main points of the article.
7. Comment on the three elements of the articles rhetorical situation (exigence, audience, constraints).
8. Is the argument logical? Use examples to support your answer.
9. Is the information presented by the author accurate? Use examples to support your answer.
10. Are there any fallacies? If yes, provide examples.
11. Does the author over rely on the appeal to pathos?
12. Is the text well-organized? Comment on the rhetorical patterns used in the article.
13. Are there any important terms (key terms)? Are they clearly defined? Use examples to support your answer.
14. Is the author fair or biased? Does she present opposing arguments?
15. Is there sufficient evidence for the arguments?
a. Focus on the authors use of facts, studies, surveys, statistics, quotations, expert opinions and illustration (specific examples)
16. Does the author over rely on one strategy? (for example over reliance on statistics, or over reliance on the opinion of one expert)
17. What points do you agree on with the author?
18. Which points do you disagree on?
19. Overall, do you find the article credible? Why or why not?
20. What are your recommendations to improve the article?