Explain how the health services and resources contribute to the care coordination process&nbsp

Explain how the health services and resources contribute to the care coordination process



How the Care Coordination Process Supports the Continuum of Care

Methodology That Supports the Financial, Ethical, Legal, Social Support, and Provider Components of the Care Continuum

Cross-Disciplinary Support That Contributes to Evidence-Based Practices Within the hospital

How Inter-Professional Collaboration Among Various Disciplines Can Facilitate the Achievement of Health Goals for Patients, the Community, or a Population

• Explain how the health services and resources available in your local community or a community that you are familiar with contribute to the care coordination process throughout the continuum of care.
o Examine the types of care support provided and the potential impact on care coordination.
o Create a concept map, based on your analysis of support provided, illustrating the relationships between available health services and resources and the care coordination process. Concept mapping offers a robust way to visually illustrate relationships between concepts and ideas.
o Write a narrative description of your concept mapping process.
o Examples of health services and resources include:
o Primary care.
o Emergency care.
o Dental and vision care.
o Physical and occupational therapy.
o Mental health services.
o Home health care.
o Health promotion and illness prevention services.
o Chronic disease management.
o Immunization and laboratory services.
o Health technologies (telemedicine/telehealth, wireless and portable devices, self-service kiosks).
o Counseling and addiction treatment.
o Hospice and palliative care.
Note: You may find it useful to refer to the Concept Maps page, linked in Suggested Resources, to gain a greater understanding about creating and utilizing this tool.
• Explain how the needs of patients, individual communities, and populations can directly influence the success or failure of a care coordination plan after it is implemented.
o Consider both positive and negative influences.
o Provide evidence to support your assertions and conclusions.
• Identify gaps in community health services and resources.
o Consider the needs of patients, individual communities, or populations throughout the care continuum.
• Identify applicable clinical guidelines and standards from national policy or regulatory organizations as evidence for gaps. For example:
o Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
o Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).
• Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.
o Express your main points and conclusions coherently.
o Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your analysis.
• Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
o Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
o How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
o Will your audience see the connection?
Additional Requirements
Be sure to submit the following three documents for this assessment:
• Your concept map.
• A narrative description of your concept-mapping process.
• Your gap analysis.
Be sure that you have used the APA Style Paper Template to format your gap analysis and that your document includes:
• A title page and references page.
• A running head on all pages.
• Appropriate section headings.