Do you believe that it is ethical to genetically engineer humans and/or animals?

Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) has been the most recent breakthrough discovery in bioengineering that enables scientists to edit DNA. Because you have studied biology in this course, you have volunteered at your nieces Middle School Science Club to monitor a student debate about CRISPR. The students will be watching the following video before the discussion: Match?time_continue=252&v=2ppl7E4E-08 and you need to be prepared in case there are any questions. Please research and write an answer to each of the following questions: What is “CRISPR’? What role does Cas9 play in the CRISPR process? How does the CRISPR-Cas9 system snip and replace any DNA sequence? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of gene editing? Include specific examples. Do you believe that the inherent risks of modifying animal DNA is worth the rewards? Explain. Do you believe that it is ethical to genetically engineer humans and/or animals? Explain.