Write two Community Health Nursing Diagnoses.

Write two Community Health Nursing Diagnoses.

Required Textbooks and Other Course Materials:* Stanhope, Marcia and Lancaster, Jeanette. (2016) Public Health Nursing, Population-Centered Health Care in the Community (9th edition). Saint Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.

escription of Major Assignments and Examinations Overview of Community Assessment: A community assessment provides the basis and rationale for clinical interventions in Community Health Nursing. Community Health Nurses assess the community by using the nursing process. Nurses gather subjective and objective date, cluster the data into meaningful information, prioritize community health needs, develop Community Health Nursing Diagnoses, create interventions to address those needs, and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions implemented. To gain a complete assessment of the community several kinds of data are needed:

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1. Assignment One: Windshield Survey (i.e. zip code or school district) and interview Key Informants within the community) • Observation of community which is a zip code or school district. This portion of the assessment will give you a general idea of how the community looks and feels. • Interview community members. This portion of the assessment will give you an idea of how people in the community see the community they live in (i.e. police or fireman, schoolteacher or librarian). • Analysis: Once you have completed this portion of the community assessment, you will reflect and analyze your observations and summarize your observations.

2. Assignment Two: Comparative Statistical Analysis of Community Health Problem • Statistical Data. This portion of the assessment will give facts about the community. Local statistical data must be compared to a larger community (for example, city, state and nation). • Analysis: Once you have completed this portion of the community assessment, you will summarize both subjective and objective data and analyze correlations between the two (subjective data and objective data). You will also write two Community Health Nursing Diagnoses.

3. Assignment Three: Community Health Nursing Intervention • In this assignment, you will analyze and integrate findings of the two previous assignments. These are the Windshield Survey, including the informant interviews, and the Comparative Statistical Analysis of Community Health problems. From this information, you will establish a Community Health Nursing Care Plan. annotated-Vulnerable Populations Assignment