Write an Executive Summary ( First Selection) ( 3-4 pages), health and medicine

Each Bullet Point must be answered Rubric for Teaching Project: Name: ______________________________
Content Possible
Executive Summary (3-4 pages)
Summary of the project to include the following:
x Brief description of project (2 point)
x Purpose of the project (1 point)
x Identification of audience (1 point)
x Identification of research tools and references used to
support teaching process and content (2 point)
x Summary of the teaching strategies, materials and resources
used (2 point)
x Supporting statements and in-text references about topic
included throughout each bullet point (2 points)
Description of the group you are teaching and its learning
needs (2-3 pages)
x Developmental stage discussed according to Erickson and
x Description of developmental needs of the audience
addressed (2 points)
x Description of how the audience exhibited traits of the stage
discussed (2 points)
x Supporting statements and in-text references about topic
included throughout each bullet point (2 points)
Overview of the material presented (2-3 pages)
x Thorough explanation of content presented to audience (2
x Discussion of why this topic is significant to nursing from a
disease prevention, health promotion, and/or health
maintenance perspective (2 points)
x Discussion of why this topic is important to the target
audience and the larger community (2 points)
x Supporting statements and in-text references about topic
included throughout each bullet point (2 points)
Teaching strategies used and why you chose them (3-4
x Identification of the different teaching strategies used (lecture,
demo/ return demo, role-play, gaming, etc) (2 points)
x Discussion of why certain teaching strategies were chosen
for target audience (correlate developmental stage with each
teaching strategy) (2 points)
x List behavioral objectives. (2 points)
x Describe category of behavioral objectives (psychomotor,
affective, and/or cognitive). (2 points)
x Discuss how teaching strategies correlate with these
categories (2 points)
x Supporting statements and in-text references about topic
included throughout each bullet point (2 points)