Why do we often hear reports of corruption or wrong doing by government employees and elected officials?

1.What is ethics? What does it mean to be ethical? How do you define ethics for yourself? Who taught you ethics? How can you be an ethical public servant or ethical bureaucrat? What standards do you follow? How do you know if you are taking the “right” action? Provide examples.
2.Low Trust and Confidence in Government. According to Lewis and Gilman, Americans have low trust and low confidence in government. Why do we often hear reports of corruption or wrong doing by government employees and elected officials? For the most part, individuals will get caught. The Anthony Weiner sexting scandal in NY comes to mind. What recent example(s) can you think of wrongdoing by a public servant (federal, state or local government)? (And no, A-Rod doesn’t count even though baseball is part of the American fabric:) What appears to have been their motivation? What consequences, if any, did the individual or agency face? How do we prevent future abuse?
3.Public Service is a Public Trust. To be a public servant is to uphold the public trust. What motivates you or attracts you to be a public servant? or to obtain a MPA degree? What led you to this field? What qualities or values do you have that I should be confident in your ability to uphold the public trust?