Why are these two concepts so important to urban planning?

Interconnectedness & Complexity
This was the original questions that we had to answer: Define the concepts of interconnectedness and complexity as it relates to urban planning. Why are these two concepts so important to urban planning? Explain what Woodrow Wilson (1887) meant when he claimed that politics and administration should be considered to exist separately from each other. How do the concepts of interconnectedness and complexity compare to the theory posited by Woodrow Wilson claiming that administration is separate from politics? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

the assignment here is to reply to the two posted discusses of my fellow classmates. at least (1) APA reference is required per reply.

Mark wrote:

Define the concepts of interconnectedness and complexity as it relates to urban planning. Why are these two concepts so important to urban planning?

The concept of interconnectedness and complexity as it relates to urban planning is the way that things are connected and the condition of that connection. In interconnectedness the concept is how the connections affect one another if things are done differently. In the concept of interconnectedness the outcome is determined by many variables. One variable can make things go in one direction while a different variable may make it go in the other direction. In interconnectedness there are many variables that need to be considered when making a decision.

An example of interconnectedness according to John M. Levy (2010) is “consider a simple illustration of interconnectedness, the use of a few acres of urban land. The amount and character of development on that land will determine the amount of traffic it generates. Developing it with single-family houses will produce a different traffic flow than developing it with apartments, which will generate a different traffic flow than developing it with apartments, which will generate a different traffic flow than developing it with a neighborhood shopping center” (p. 1).

Basically depending on which direction or variable is used determines the outcome. Each direction or variable has a different outcome that needs to be taken into consideration.

Complexity is the factors that consider planning as its own profession which the government handles as a separate activity (Levy, 2010).

Explain what Woodrow Wilson (1887) meant when he claimed that politics and administration should be considered to exist separately from each other.

In my opinion Woodrow Wilson meant that administration is a different in that it is a business and should be treated as such. Politics deals with policy and doesn’t deal with administration and should be treated that way. Although the two should be treated separately they both interact with one another being that politics sets the path for administration (Rosenbloom, 2008).

How do the concepts of interconnectedness and complexity compare to the theory posited by Woodrow Wilson claiming that administration is separate from politics?

In my opinion the concepts of interconnectedness and complexity would fall under the same theory that Woodrow Wilson claims. Both interconnectedness and complexity should be treated separately but they are dichotomy and rely on each other when it comes to planning.


Levy, J. M. (2010). Contemporary urban planning (9th ed.) [VitalSource Bookshelf version].

Rosenbloom, D. (2008). The politics-administration dichotomy in U.S. historical context. Public

Administration Review, 68(1), 57-60. Retrieved from


George wrote:

Define the concepts of interconnectedness and complexity as it relates to urban planning. Why are these two concepts so important to urban planning?

The concepts of interconnectedness and complexity as it relates to urban planning is be summed up by cause and effect. A good example that explained it in simple for according to Levy (2010), notes, “ Thus a land development decision is a traffic decision as well. That, potentially, affects everyone in the area. How much of the site is paved, an even what material is used for paving, affects how fast rainwater runs off from the property. Runoff may affect flooding and streams flow conditions miles downstream from property.” This is the case for Colorado that took the spotlight in recent news. They took on heavy rains that cause landslide and flash flooding. The death toll has been minimized due to the emergency services and state codes.

According to the city of Colorado, “local floodplain development permit is required for all development (not just buildings) in the 100-year floodplain. Always check with Planning and Development Services (P&DS) to see if a floodplain development permit is required, or to report illegal floodplain development. New building construction, substantial improvements and substantial damage must satisfy all flood protection regulations. For residential properties, this means that the floor must be at least two feet above flood elevations. General floodplain maps, which include both high hazard, conveyance, and flood fringe zones; more specific maps; and a determination of whether a property is in the high hazard or conveyance zone are available.” This is complexity and interconnectedness.