Which of the following is TRUE about color blindness?

Which of the following is TRUE about color blindness?

The most common type is called monochrome color blindness.

When it involves one set of cones, it is an inherited recessive trait.

It is more prevalent among females than males.

It is caused by defective cones in the iris of the eye.

14) Where is the retina located?

in the aqueous humor

at the back of the eye

at the front of the eye

in the brain

15) Terry stepped on a nail while walking around barefoot in her yard one week ago. The spot where the skin was punctured still hurts, reminding her to take it easy on her foot. The soreness Terry is experiencing is known as ________ pain.





16) Which of the following statements best explains how the sense of taste works?

Molecules of taste are absorbed through receptors on the roof of the mouth and transmitted to the stomach.

Olfactory bulbs absorb molecules of taste and then send signals to the brain.

Molecules of food fit into receptors on taste buds, and neural signals are fired to the brain.

Molecules of taste are absorbed into the saliva and circulated throughout the blood until they reach the brain.

17) Which mammals have the ability to hear up to 200,000 Hz?





18) People who have difficulty with their hearing are said to be either totally or partially:

hearing impaired.

pitch challenged.


tone deaf.

19) Nerve hearing impairment can be helped with the use of:

cochlear implants.

ordinary hearing aids.

electrode surgery.

auditory implants.

20) ________ can inhibit the transmission of pain signals in the brain.

Substance P




21) According to gate-control theory:

pain signals must pass through a “gate” located in the brain.

the activity of the spinal gate can be opened by nonpain signals.

a structure in the spinal cord is closed when pain signals enter the spinal cord.

when the spinal gates open farther, there is a greater experience of pain.

22) Motion sickness can be explained by:

an imbalance in the kinesthetic senses.

a type of allergic reaction.

conflict between visual input and other sensory input.

environmental discord.

23) The tendency of the brain to stop attending to constant, unchanging information is known as:

sensory overload.


event-related adaptation.

sensory adaptation.

24) The term ______ refers to stimuli that are below the level of conscious awareness.

absolute threshold

sensory receptor

just noticeable difference

subliminal stimuli

25) The ________ is the lowest level of stimulation that a person can consciously detect 50 percent of the time the stimulation is present.

minimal sensory threshold

difference threshold

just noticeable difference

absolute threshold