Which of the following is the correct format for an end-of-text website citation?

Use an introductory phrase that overtly identifies the source author or title.
Do not use a quotation without commentary.
After the paraphrase or quotation include in parentheses the name of the author or, if the author is not known, the title of the source.
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Question 12 1 pts
You can usually satisfy the requirement for adding your own words to a quotation by using a tag phrase.
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Question 13 1 pts
Choose the correct quotation.
Julius Caesar is known for: “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
Julius Caesars famous phrase is one that everyone has heard and probably used: “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
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Question 14 1 pts
Which of the following is correct?
At the Climate Summit in Paris, President Obama demanded “a strong response to the problem of global warming.”
At the Climate Summit in Paris, President Obama demanded, “a strong response to the problem of global warming.”
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Question 15 1 pts
Is it plagiarism if a student didnt intentionally copy someone elses work and present it as her own– as in, “I plagiarized by accident?”
YES, but it wouldnt be fair to hold it against the student.
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Question 16 1 pts
At the end of a paper, a List of Works Consulted satisfies the requirement for a Works Cited page.
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Question 17 1 pts
What are the reasons for adding “tag phrases” or introductory phrases to quotations and paraphrases?
All of these answers are correct.
These phrases add coherence and clarity to the research paper.
These phrases distinguish between your original writing and thoughts and those of your sources, eliminating any thought of plagiarism.
These phrases are a graceful and explicit way of identifying sources.
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Question 18 3 pts
The kinds of information that do not need to be documented are called
you can find in almost any encyclopedia or basic reference text. When in doubt
the source.
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Question 19 1 pts
MLA style stipulates an alphabetical list of references (by authors last name, which keys the reference to the in-text citation). This list is located at the end of the paper on a separate page
and entitled [ ] .
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Question 20 1 pts
Which of the following is a correct end-of-text book citation?
Henderson, Jerome. Sweet Dishonesty: A History of Chicago during Prohibition. New
York: Vintage, 2000. Print.
Henderson, Jerome. Sweet Dishonesty: A History of Chicago during Prohibition. New York: Vintage, 200 pp., Print.
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Question 21 3 pts
In MLA style, all end-of-text citations should indicate a format type, either
and the web citations should end with the
the researcher accessed the website or database.
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Question 22 1 pts
Which of the following is the correct format for an end-of-text website citation?
Landow, George, ed. Contemporary Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English. Brown U, 2002. 15 November 2015.
Landow, George, ed. Contemporary Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English. Brown U, 2002. Web. 15 November 2015.
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Question 23 1 pts
One technique you can use to evaluate a website is [ ] because it can reveal authorship or institutional affiliations.
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Question 24 1 pts
The acronym for an Internet services that allows anyone to find out who is behind a website is [ ].
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Question 25 1 pts
A way to make phrase searching more accurate is to use [ ] around key phrases in your search string.
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Question 26 1 pts
Which of the following represents a correct works-cited page entry?
Karnani, Aneel. The Case against Corporate Social Responsibility. The
Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Co., Inc., 14 June 2012. Web. 12 Aug.
Karnani, Aneel. “The Case against Corporate Social Responsibility.” The Wall
Street Journal. Dow Jones & Co., Inc. 14 June 212. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.
Karnani, Aneel. “The Case against Corporate Social Responsibility.” The Wall
Street Journal. Dow Jones & Co., Inc., 14 June 2012. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.
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Question 27 1 pts
Which of the following styles for first reference of a source within the text of your paper is preferable?
In his article “The Case against Corporate Responsibility,” Wall Street Journal
writer Aneel Karnani argues that CSR will never be able to solve the worlds
problems .
It is possible that CSR will never be able to solve the worlds problems (Karnani
“The Case against Corporate Responsibility”).
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Question 28 1 pts
Youre in college; dont cite the encylopedia.
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Question 29 2 pts
Why should you avoid Internet sites that are unreliable or biased– even if they support your point of view? (More than one answer is correct.)
There is no way of determining whether a site is “reliable” or “unreliable.” Therefore its actually okay for you to use the site, especially if you can find corroborating information.
Although research does explore controversies, and “gray” areas, the college researcher must base findings on the most reliable sources possible to come up with the most currently logical and
accurate conclusions.
Information that may seem to be “unreliable” or “biased” today might be proved correct in the near future, and isnt that the whole point of doing original research– to raise questions and explore
Literate readers will dismiss sources that appear unreliable or biased, and your credibility as a researcher/writer will be undermined.
There is simply no way of judging the bias of sources in a highly controversial topic. Each side is biased, and therefore the whole issue is invalid.
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Question 30 1 pts
If you are looking for information on public policy, popular culture, current events, legal affairs, or for any subject of interest to agencies of the federal or state government, the Web is likely
to have useful materials.
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Question 31 1 pts
If youre looking for literary criticism or scholarly analysis of historical or social issues, you will be better off using library databases like JSTOR and EBSCOhost.
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Question 32 1 pts
To see who is behind a Web site and why they put the information on the Web, follow “about” links. If there is no “about” link, delete everything after the fist slash in the [ ] to go to the parent
site to see if it provides information.
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Question 33 4 pts
As you choose sources on a database, you may