What you think are the main accounting concepts under each chapter How did they come into play in your business plan

The Business Plan (30%)

Similar to the homework you and your partner are encouraged to work together and even submit the identical plans. Yet, you must make individual submissions under your particular team.  If your partner is not an equal contributor, you need not share your work with him or her.

This business plan should have two parts, each part accounting for 15% of the grade.


The first part (about 8-12 pages with 1.5 spacing) is a formal business plan written with external audience such as banks, potential investors and employers in mind. This should include:

  •          An executive summary
  •          Product or service description
  •          A marketing plan and revenue forecasts
  •          A production plan and cost estimates
  •          A financial plan that includes

o   Net cash flow

o   Breakeven analysis

o   IRR analysis before and after taxes

o   Optimal financing and the weighted average cost of capital

  •          The three Financial Statements along with

o   An ROI Analysis (including the DuPont Ratios)

o   Estimated Value of the firm at the end of five years


The second part (about 8-12 pages long is a chapter by chapter report with an internal audience:

  • What you think are the main accounting concepts under each chapter
  • How did they come into play in your business plan
  • The challenges you faced and lessons learnt under each chapter
  • Any other interesting observations under each chapter