What would the patient look like if heor she were in respiratory acidosis?

What would the patient look like if he/she were in respiratory acidosis?

assignment 1

Pick a sport you would like to coach, a sport you would like to train athletes for, or a sport you would like to work in from a rehabilitation/injury prevention position.  Please create a new message in which you can post your initial post thread.  Describe a common injury found in that sport (do NOT pick an injury that someone else has already chosen–sports may be repeated with different injuries.  INJURIES MAY NOT BE REPEATED.) Put the sport name and injury in the title of your post so your classmates do not repeat it.  In the text box, describe the coaches role in addressing first aid for the injury.  Next, describe the roles of two different sports medicine team professionals who have a responsibility in diagnosing, treating, or preventing the injury.   Your initial post must be a minimum of 250 words long. Due 11/6.

I am choosing Baseball – Rotator Cuff Tear

assignment 2

Review the pathophysiology of PE( Pulmonary Embolism) , then answer and submit the following questions:

1. What places a patient at risk for PE?

2. What care interventions are needed to prevent PE development?

3. Identify PE manifestations that you might observe.

4. What diagnostic tests should be done immediately?

5. How would you prepare the patient for testing?

6. What would you tell the family? The patient?

7. Should you, as the nurse, contact the Rapid Response Team? Why? (If yes, when should you contact them?)

8. What would the patient look like if he/she were in respiratory acidosis?