What were the sources of American prosperity in the aftermath of World War II?

The origins of the Great Depression. How was the Depression in the U.S. related to global economic factors? Be specific

2) Explain the major phases of the New Deal. What programs were enacted in each phase, and what did they seek to accomplish? Discuss at least two New Deal programs in greater detail.

3) Why did the U.S. government intern Japanese Americans in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor? Was the internment justified? Why or why not?

4) How did the war change the lives of African Americans AND Hispanic Americans? Was life better? How and why/why not? (Great Depression Era)

5)What were the roots/origins of the Cold War between the U.S./Western Europe and the U.S.S.R./Soviet or Communist block? Could the Cold War have been avoided? If so, how?

6)What was the impact of the Cold War on American society and culture? Discuss specific examples.

7)Who prospered the most in America, and why? What groups did NOT prosper, and why? Address specifically two groups that DID prosper and two groups that did NOT prosper.

8) What were the sources of American prosperity in the aftermath of World War II?

Section 2 T4

1) Why did the Vietnam War instill such major protests amongst Americans, especially the youth and certain minorities? What form did these protests take? What segments of the U.S. population were most affected by sending their youth off to war? Describe the different reactions to the war from minority groups (eg., African Americans) and predominately White college-age students.

2) How did John F. Kennedy represent the hopes and ideals of Americans in the early 1960s? For the “majority”/mainstream population? For women and minorities?

3) Examine the advances made by the Womens Movement of the 1970s. How much has been accomplished since then?

4) Identify the Watergate crisis. Briefly describe the origin, and discuss the later issues involved. What were/are the lasting effects of this crisis today?

5) What demographic changes did the U.S. experience since the 1980s? Identify 3 (three) specific demographic (ethnic, racial, gender, national or religious) groups and how they made significant a impact on American politics, economy or society.

6) Examine the impact of the events of September 11, 2001, on American society and foreign policy. How much has changed over the last 14 years from how Americans conducted themselves before?