What were the outcomes of the quality improvement project?

What were the outcomes of the quality improvement project?

Healthcare quality initiatives can include such things as improved patient care, electronic health record management/implementation, clinical equipment upgrades, and facilities upgrades. Describe a time when you or someone you know were part of a healthcare quality initiative. Explain what the quality initiative was, and what was not working well with the current process/procedure (i.e., the improvement opportunity the quality initiative sought to address). What were the goals of the project? What were the outcomes of the quality improvement project? Were all of the goals met? Explain how “success” was measured.



Nash, D. B., Joshi, M. S., Ransom, E. R., & Ransom, S. B. (Eds.). (2019). The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools. (4th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN-13: 9781640550537,Chapter 4 in The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools

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● Barson, S., Doolan-Noble, F., Gray, J., & Gauld, R. (2017). Healthcare leaders’ views on successful quality improvement initiatives and context. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31(1), 54-63.

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