What was unique about their individual practices?

There are five questions. One page per question, dont do that one question do half page and the anothers do one page and half. You can use one source for each question or not.
1. The early 19th century was period marked by the emergence of restorationist and millennialist Christians. What were the principles of these movements and what new groups were associated with them? What was unique about their individual practices? Be sure to give examples from several groups.
2. Compare and contrast the “liberal” and “anti-modernist” attitudes that were present in American Protestantism thoughout the twentieth century. What gouprs are associated with each approach? Which of these outlooks show the greatest growth today and what might be some of the reason for that growth? Give examples.
3. The film The Apostle refelcted many aspects of American Protestant life, particularly in the rural parishes of the Baptist and Holiness traditions. What traditions of Protestant theology, worship, and polity are reflected in the film? Be sure to give examples.
4. Modern American Protestantism is filled with many evangelical Christians who no longer identify themselves with traditional Protestant denominations. What are their chief theological tenets? What new structures have developed beyond denominational oversight, and what new expressions in worship are occurring among these groups today? In the last decade, how have some evangelicals changed their approach on social issues? Explain.
5. Since the mid-19th century a variety of issues have caused Protestant denominations to split into new denominations. What are some of those issues? What are the hot-button issues today and how have various Christian denominations approached them? How are things particularly difficult for American Episcopalians because of their association with the worldwide Anglican Communion?