What types of musical forms are brought to Jazz/Blues?

In a well-written essay, discuss the development of Jazz and Blues. Who were its primary contributors and advocates. As a genre, what was its function in society in the early part of the twentieth century? As an expert in current musical trends, what role does Jazz/Blues play in late twentieth-century music? Why do you think this genre is more accessible than classical music to today’s listener? What musical or societal similarities, if any, does Jazz/Blues have with music we’ve discussed in class (hint: not everyone in the past went to an opera hall or palace chamber to hear formal music. Many times, they were in pubs or in courtyards dancing and singing). What types of musical forms are brought to Jazz/Blues? Where is this music likely to be performed and/or heard? What aspect of this music are you drawn too and why (consider that music fulfills an emotional need or broadens and develops some state of being—to help keep you in the spirit of things).