What type of employee participation do you see as the most valuable?

Category : Latest Orders

Answer each question in ESSAY format. 1 page per part (theres 4 part so 4 total page)
The class Im taking is Business Ethics. The book being used is Moral Issues in Business William H. Shaw & Vincent Barry

Part 1. Employee At Will
1. What is the principle of employment at will? Why do you think the law has upheld it so long? What are the two aspects of due process? What is the current legal situation with respect to due process at work?
2. Examine and critically asses each of the five justifications for EAW, as stated on page 452. How persuasive are Werhane and Radins rejoinders to them? Are there arguments for EAW that the authors have overlooked or not answered adequately.

Part 2. Employee Participation

1. What are the different forms of mechanism that employee participation can take and what are the different issues available for participatory decision? What type of employee participation do you see as the most valuable? In your experience, how extensive is employee participation today.
2. McCall argues for participation in terms of the values of fair treatment, human dignity, self-respect, physical and mental health, and the promotion of a democratic society. Explain how each of these values, according to him, supports the case for participation. Critically assess his five arguments. Are you persuaded by his reasoning in each case?
Part 3. Whistle-Blowing
3. Explain the three paradoxes that Davis claims the standard theory gives rise to. If you were a defender of the standard theory, how might you respond to Daviss arguments?
4. Explain Daviss complicity theory. What are the most important difference between it and the standard theory? Is Daviss theory of justified whistle-blowing an improvement over the standard theory? Explain why or why not.
Part 4. Minority Set Aside
5. In light of the fact that no federal statute specifically bars racial discrimination in private domestic commercial transactions between two business firms, and given the evidence that racism is an obstacle to African-American business success, what obligation, if any does state, local or federal government have to assist minority-owned companies?
6. What measures could Richmond have taken that would have increased opportunities for minority business but would not have involved racial quotas? Would such measures be as effective as the original plan?