What next steps can you take to realize the benefits of the book?

Book Review and Analysis assignment on the book below:
Global Dexterity: How to Adapt Your Behavior Across Cultures without Losing Yourself in the Process by Andy Molinsky (2013)

You will submit a book review and analysis on the main themes in the book and what you have learned. MUST include the following in your review and analysis:

1.Give an overview of the book – Describe the key points of the book; Explain the message(s) of the book.

2.So what? – What is your take away from the book?; How does the book resonate with you?; Explain what you learned from the book; How will this help your strengths/weaknesses in order to develop your own career?

3.What next? – What next steps can you take to realize the benefits of the book?
The report should be between 4-6 pages typed, double-spaced in Arial 10 or Times New Roman 12. The APA citation style shall be used.
The Book Review and Analysis assignment will be due in Unit 7 (week 7).