What management challenges will affect organisational change during the implementation of the computerised information system?

Complete the following tasks and submit your answers as report. Make sure to follow the requirements and report structure mentioned below under a separate heading.

As the business/IT consultant, you need to advise Catherine Siddothi on possibilities that would best suit the requirements. She will need advice on what types of information systems can help the business and how the introduction of information systems will impact the business. You need to write a report which should cover the following tasks:

1. Define information systems; explain how they work; and describe their benefits for business. What types of information systems could be used to support PMF?
2. Explain how these information systems could help PMF in managing the business. How will the introduction of information systems affect management decision?making?
3. Use Porters Competitive Forces Model to explain how these information systems could be used to gain competitive advantages.
4. What are the information requirements of PMF? What business processes should PMF consider making computerised? Why?
5. Explain how collaboration and communication among key stakeholders could be supported using information systems. Explain the use of computer networks (intranets and extranets) and the Internet to serve their needs.
6. What management challenges will affect organisational change during the implementation of the computerised information system?
7. State and explain the security and ethical issues may arise from the introduction of information systems in the business?


Requirements & report structure

Reference sources from general websites are not acceptable.
At least six (6) credible references must be used,
At least three (3) of these must be from academic (scholarly) journals,
The remaining three (3) may be from industry magazines or books.

The references can be from printed or online sources and must be current (i.e. within the last seven (7) years). You can use material from organisational web sites as an example to support your arguments but it is not counted towards the references quota (i.e., 6 references).