What is your knowledge and perspective about current and upcoming abortion legislation?

Please watch this video If These Walls Could Talk (full movie)http://abortionfilms.org/en/show/3438/if-these-walls-could-talk-haus-der-stummen-schreie/. It is a DRAMA (not a documentary); however, it provides an excellent historical perspective about abortion during the 1950s, 1970s and 1990s. While the issue may be uncomfortable, it will provide a rich base from which you can explore the issue thoughtfully and openly in our discussions. You will submit a 300-600 word reflection about the video.

Please watch the movie (with friends or classmates?!) and submit a 300-600 word essay reflection about the movie. Consider these potential discussion questions as a place to start (PLEASE DO NOT COPY/PASTE & ANSWER THE QUESTIONS) Please think and reflect about the movie and the topic of abortion.

1. What personal, social and political barriers to abortion existed in the 1950s, 1970s, and 1990s?

2. What personal, social and political barriers to abortion exist today?

3. What stereotypes were portrayed in the video?

4. What biases were portrayed in the video?

5. Did you feel the video was anti-abortion or pro-choice? Why?

6. What is your knowledge and perspective about current and upcoming abortion legislation?