What is your current competency level within these nursing standards?

What is your current competency level within these nursing standards?

Develop a professional development plan that:

  1. Includes a self-assessment of your readiness to transition into practice.
  2. Identifies and outlines next steps for your personal and/or professional development.

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Review the NAPNES Standards of Practice and Educational Competencies of Graduates of Practical/Vocational Nursing Programs located in Appendix A in your textbook. Describe the competencies as outlined by the NAPNES within the six standards of professional practice:
    1) Professional Behaviors
    2) Communication
    3) Assessment
    4) Planning
    5) Caring Interventions
    6) Managing
  2. What is your current competency level within these standards?
    For each standard, choose ONE competency and complete a comprehensive self-assessment using Patricia Benner’s From Novice to Expert theory (novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, or expert) and determine your level of competence.