What is the value in having managers at the career exploration stage within an organization? Why?

How would you describe the significance of Rodney Adkins’s work as a manager? Who benefits from
his abilities and efforts?
Rodney Adkins heads IBM’s Systems and Technology Group that accounts for $18B in revenue and
employs 50,000 people. This makes him an important manager at IBM. His importance to IBM is
underscored by the fact that he was considered for the Chief Executive Officer position at the
company. He is responsible to his superiors for generating positive results for the Group, and, at the
same time, he is responsible to the 50,000 people working under him for guidance, motivation, and
support. IBM benefits from his abilities and efforts when the Group performs well and contributes to
IBM’s overall performance. Likewise, his subordinates benefit from his guidance and direction, as well
as mentorship.
What is the value in having managers at the career exploration stage within an organization? Why?
The decline stage? Why?
4. In terms of the contemporary view of management skill, which activities and skills do you see Adkins
using in his career? How do you think he acquired those skills?