What interventions by your community health nursing faculty might make the transition to effective community

What interventions by your community health nursing faculty might make the transition to effective community

Google search and read these two EBP articles:
SmithBattle, L. Diekemper, M., & Leander, S. (2004a). Getting your feet wet: Becoming a public health nurse, Part 1. Public Health Nursing, 21, 3-11.
SmithBattle, L. Diekemper, M., & Leander, S. (2004b). Moving upstream: Becoming a public health nurse, Part 2. Public Health Nursing, 21, 95-102.
Then answer the following questions:
How well do the findings of the research study described in these two articles reflect your experience clinical practice?
What interventions by your community health nursing faculty might make the transition to effective community health nursing practice easier for you?