What has sociology taught you about your life experiences?

In completing the assignment, please address the following questions:

  • How would you characterize yourself? This could be your racial/ethnic identity, your social class background, your gender, your sexuality, etc. Has your identity changed overtime and if so, how?
  • How do your identities compare or contrast with your family members’ identities?  Has this difference ever caused a conflict?
  • How has stratification played out in your life? (Ex: education, labor market, family, religion, etc.)
  • How has socialization influenced your life? How has socialization contributed to your cultural beliefs?
  • What has sociology taught you about your life experiences? Has sociology changed your perspective on the world? Has sociology changed your perspective on your career?


  • 4-6 pages, double spaced (NOT including references)
  • 1” margins
  • Times New Roman font
  • Incorporate all relevant course material (videos, lecture, readings, etc.) 
  • You should use your personal opinion but also include the course material
  • Citations need to be in ASA or APA format: in-text citations and reference page