What effect has NAFTA had on the economic and social class structures of the United states and mexico?

Answer two of the questions below. As you develop your argument, be sure to cite your sources.

for example, ” the legal basis of school segregation in the united states was the 1896 plessy vs ferguson decision of the supreme court” (Russell, p45)

1. What effect has NAFTA had on the economic and social class structures of the United states and mexico? How is NAFTA related to the migration of the people within mexico and between mexico and united states? in what ways were NAFTA and Operation Bootstrap similar and different in their effects? Do you think NAFTA, and more generally, the increasing interegation of the economies of the United States and Mexico should be considered in relation to US immigration policy?

2. Drawing on Russells discussion of the predominant economic activities(production systems) during the colonial period in mexico, canada and United States, discuss how economic classes developed over time in TWO of those three countries, and how this was related to race relations in each. As you answer the question, be sure to cite how Russell defines the terms, economic class and race. Be sure to give examples from Russell. You may also cite other sources if you wish, but it is not necessary to do so.