What does it take to be a successful international student in an American university?

Your third and final essay will incorporate the theme of the class, “success”, the book weve been reading, “Outliers”, and some research that you will do using library resources.

The topic for this essay is: What does it take to be a success in XXXXX?

The point of this essay is to incorporate information from Outliers, and resources from the library, to persuade the reader of the best path to be a success in the way you define. For example, if your topic is what it takes to be a success in business, then you will take information from Outliers that you think is applicable, and do some research and combine all of that in a persuasive way; showing a proper course of action or attitude, to be a success. Along with this, you will evaluate the potential difficulties a person would face trying to be a success in this field or way.

Here are a few topic ideas, but you should come up with your own topic.

What does it take to be a successful international student in an American university?

What does it take to be a successful son/daughter? (Look at the cultural norms and compare with your own family)

What can one do to become a successful athlete/musician/artist/business person? etc…

What will it take for a person to be a success at XXXXX in XXXXXX country.

Use the template below for your essay.

APA_6th_template-Essay 3.docPreview the documentView in a new window

Here is the rubric that will be used to score your essay – be sure to look at this before writing, so you know what the expectations of the essay are.

HowtobeaSuccessEssayRubricDraft1.docxPreview the documentView in a new window