What do these difference suggest about bargaining power and negotiation?

You will find two real labor contracts to compare and contrast. You may use any real collective agreements that you can find online (public or private sector, expired or in-force contracts). However, I recommend using two contracts that cover employees in the same industry.

The Department of Labor maintains a database of collective bargaining agreements (https://www.dol.gov/olms/regs/compliance/cba/). Feel free to find agreements using other websites if you prefer.


You should compare and contrast the collective agreements in terms of concepts that you have learned in this course. Some of the topics you might compare include:
1) grievance procedure and arbitration
2) seniority,
3) job security,
4) union security and dues,
5) joint committees/employee involvement/labor-management cooperation, 6) compensation (pay for skills, pay for performance, etc.),
7) strikes and lockouts,
8) management rights,
9) family leave/flexible scheduling.

This is not an exhaustive list and you do not need to discuss everything. However, it is important that your contracts are different enough to compare and contrast (if you find few differences, you will need to go back and find another contract).

Do not simply list, copy, or paraphrase contract language. There is no need to waste space with long quotes from the contract (simply indicate the contracts page and/or section number).

Your paper should include an analysis, not just a description, of the differences. What are the reasons for these differences? What do these difference suggest about bargaining power and negotiation? Which contract has better language for labor or management (and why)? Which contract is better for efficiency, equity, voice?