What could be the role of Jordan in achieving Palestinian-Israeli conflict resolution through a federation/confederation system?

5000 words Dissertation The writer must have a solid background in middle east politics and especially the Arab-Israeli Conflict. I need a draft of every chapter like every week, Please guarantee all of my instructions are strictly followed and please make sure that plagiarism is not tolerated. The order must be handled by one writer only, so who ever starts the work must finish it until the end. Further instructions will be uploaded.

Dissertation Proposal
Full title: Jordan’s role in Future Palestinian-Israeli Peace Plans.
Chosen topic
The scope of the research will be Jordan-related peace initiatives for Palestine and Israel with
focus on the theme of confederation/federation. Its interest is to assess and determine
achievement of sustainable peace between Palestine and Israel through
Aims and Objectives of the Dissertation
The aim of the research shall be to determine the role of Jordan in achieving Palestinian-
Israeli conflict resolution through a federation/confederation model. The objectives will be:
1) To assess feasibility of Palestinian-Israeli one-state and two-state resolution options.
2) To weigh the role and commitment of other Arab countries and the West in the peace
3) To analyse the interests of Jordan in Palestinian-Israeli peace deal.
4) To determine the options Jordan has in brokering sustainable peace deal between
Palestine and Israel through confederation/federation.
The peace process is the utmost necessity of the overall peace in Middle East Region. As the
existing models of the conflict resolution failed due to incapability of both sides to reach a
consensus, there must be some other options or methods to bring forward and take the
initiative of durable peace; however the federation model is not the new way of resolving the
conflict, but it is a forgotten method since 1988. The current peace process is not gaining the
momentum and seeing two different stances from Palestine and Israel. The proposed research
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is relevant in a way that it will evaluate the significance of the confederation model once
presented by the King of Jordan and how this model can be applied to the resolution of
conflict, as well as the feasibility of the model in terms of the ground realities of strength of
Israel and weaker Palestinian nation.
Being a neighbour of Palestine and having a clear stake to have peace in the region. Jordan
actively remained a part of the peace process between Palestine and Israel and time and again
it proposed solutions to the conflict and represented Palestine in the United Nations. Jordan is
one of the Arab states, having better relations with Israel, so the proposed research will see
the options of revival of the effort of Jordan to kick start the negotiations again about the
confederation model it once proposed in the past and played a key role. The dissertation will
discuss this model for the conflict resolution of Palestine-Israel, considering the rational actor
model of the foreign policy analysis and what role the individual actors can play in the
redundant peace talks.
Research Questions
Main question: What could be the role of Jordan in achieving Palestinian-Israeli conflict
resolution through a federation/confederation system?
Secondary Research Questions
What are the chances of success of Palestinian-Israeli one-state and two-state resolution
What are the interests of Jordan in Palestinian-Israeli peace deal?
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What options does Jordan have in brokering sustainable peace deal between Palestine and
Israel through confederation/federation?
This research is based on the following hypotheses:
1) The Palestinian-Israeli one-state option cannot be revived.
2) The two-state option between Palestine and Israel is not feasible.
3) Both Palestinian-Israeli and Jordanian-Palestinian confederation frameworks are
4) Wait for the future to reveal what it obscures regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
5) Re-examining the solution of Confederation system and Federation system.
Literature review
In the view of Barari (2014) and Smith (2010), the Jordanian-Israeli relationship dates back
to the period of British Mandate when the French and British were involved in the region
following the First World War and the establishment of Israeli State in 1948 (Laqueur and
Schueftan, 2016). The relationship between the two sides was founded on their overlapping
strategic interests. Even though Jordan and Israel have been involved in conflict a number of
times and maintained a seemingly hostile interaction, Barari (2014) documents that their
relationship has never completely dwindled, full of turmoil, but a necessary union.
Jordanian and Palestinian people have been obliged to interact with one another given their
social, geographic, demographic and economic interaction. According to Gelvin (2014),
evolution of Jordan-Palestine relationship following the 1950 decision to unite Transjordan
and West Bank in making up the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been full of conflicts. In
the view of Shlaim (2008), King Hussein might have been fighting to retain Palestinian
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homeland, rather than maintaining Jordanian territory in his pursuit of taking West Bank from
Israel. The role of King Hussein in his forty-six years of being a monarch of Jordan played a
significant role in keeping Palestinian homelands at a time of administrative, political and
military weakness, but the curve of relations show the pace of the Jordan-Israel accord, owing
to the rational actor model theory of foreign policy, contending the importance of role of
individuals in the foreign policy making. In 1970’s Israel (liberal govt.) helped the Hussain’s
government in the civil war between PLO and King Hussain to protect the control of Jordan.
The diplomatic peace process based on dual track existed between Israel and Jordan during
1967-88 (Lukacs, 1997: 94). In 1972, the United Kingdom Plan of King Hussain was
revealed, offering to incorporate the Palestinian territory with Jordan making a confederation
state (Lukacs, 1997), to divide the Palestinians into factions and protect Israel. King Hussain,
who already predicted the advantages of aligning Jordan’s interests with the Zionist state
(Barari, 2014: 125), held more than 800 hours of meetings with the Israelite leaders during
the government of Labour Party. During Likud term in office, 1977-84, only one meeting was
held with the Israel’s leadership, and afterwards during the government of national unity,
several secret and open meetings were held during 1984-88 leading to April 1987 London
Agreement (Lukacs, 1997: 94). Afterwards Jordan helped the Israel-PLO accord and a series
of meetings took place between both countries. In 1993, they made a joint economic
committee. The second track was the indirect public dialogues carried out through good
offices. The dialogue focussed on the formal peace process and a possible withdrawal of
Israel from the occupied territories of Palestine (Zogby, 2018).
There were two main plans that are presented as a solution to the problem of the conflict
between Palestine and Israel.
“The One State Solution” offered creating a single state out of the two nations. The move
will let the Muslim population outnumber the Jewish population and the democratic
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government will allow the Muslims to gain power in the country and that would mean the end
of a Jewish state, so the Israelis are not in favour of such a solution. On the other hand, there
is a version of this solution that is favoured by some Israelis where the single state will have a
system of governance where the Palestinians will be forced out or marginalized in some way
to create a larger Jewish state (Brenner, 2018).