What commands can you initiate using the provided buttons when you are on the scene?4

Unit outcomes: Identify the elements of and how to navigate the Alice development environment. Modify a simple program movie using classes, objects and methods.Course outcome addressed in this activity:IT111-1: Recognize the elements of object programming: classes, objects, and methods to application development.Instructions:In this Assignment, you will locate various areas of the Alice 3 development environment and you will make a small modification to an existing program.Open Alice and click on the Starters tab at the top of the screen. Select the starter called fantasy Full. This starter scene will open in Alice 3, but will have no functionality. Answer the following questions:1. Under the Procedures tab on the left side of the screen, list two of the editable procedures that are listed.2. Click on the Functions tab. Name five of the functions that you see under this tab.3. At the top left of the screen is the scene itself. What commands can you initiate using the provided buttons when you are on the scene?4. Click “Setup Scene” in the Scene area.a. What camera view options are you provided?b. At the bottom of the Setup Scene area you see six classes. List three of the classes.5. Open the Swimmer class and describe the sub classes that are shown. Now open one of those sub classes and list 2 of the classes that are shown (actual fish or marine mammals).6. Click the “Edit Code” button at the bottom of the scene. What happens?7. On the right side of the screen you see tabs for Scene, initialize Event Listeners, and my First Method. Click on the drop down menu to the left of Scene tab. What is shown here in this drop down list?8. You are going to add a method to my First Method to make the larger mushroom spin.a. Click on the larger mushroom near the castle door. You should see this.short Mushroom below the scene with a list of pre built methods below.b. Select the method that says “this.short Mushroom turn and drag the method into the my First Method where it says “drop statement here”. You will receive a drop down menu to select direction of the turn and number of turns. Select“Turn Direction.RIGHT” and select 2.0. This will cause the mushroom to spin two times to the right.c. Select Window on the Menu at the top and select Preferences. Under programming language select Java, then select Java Code on the Side. How did your screen change? Describe one line of the Java code that you see.d. Press the Run button on the scene and watch your mushroom spin.9. Now from the top menu bar, select File, Save As. Name your project“Mushroom_Spins”. Leave file type as All Files – this will automatically save you rproject as an a3p file (an Alice file).10. Submit both the answers to the questions (Word document) and the Alice a3p file