What characteristics/relationships exist between dental development, diet and life histories of extinct and extant great apes?

The aim of the research proposal:
Making inferences about the dentition and diet of extinct great apes from the Miocene by looking at the dentition and diet of extant great apes including bonobo, chimpanzee and gorilla …
– dentition should include micro-wear on teeth and time of micro-wear;
– diet should include changes in habitat and environmental variability, nature of diet and dietary changes, and nature of and reliance on fallback foods; and
– interpretations of similar proposals/studies …
Concluding: What characteristics/relationships exist between dental development, diet and life histories of extinct and extant great apes?

Format: (i) Title, (ii) Aims, (iii) Research Justification, (iv) Participants, Materials and Methods, (v) References Cited.

Format Style: American Journal of Human Biology.

References cited to include journal articles by:
(i) Mark F. Teaford, (ii) Peter S. Ungar, (iii) Tanya M. Smith.