What benefit would strategic decision-makers gain from utilizing a definitive framework and following a specified strategy development and deployment process?

Hello There,
following are questions that needs to be answered. each answer should be around 300 words.

1)What benefit would strategic decision-makers gain from utilizing a definitive framework and following a specified strategy development and deployment process?
2)Conduct a review of the business literature, and then carry out a Five Force analysis of the Coca-Cola organization.
•Describe and discuss the results of your analysis
3)When considering the Boston Matrix explain what causes products and services to be ‘cash users, ‘cash neutral or ‘cash generators.
• Explain why an organization might decide to keep providing a product or service long after it has reached the decline and low return stage of the life cycle.
4)Using an organization that you are familiar with – what would the value chain of the organization look like?
In this case the organization should be University Of Huddersfield
•Produce a value chain model and a short description.
•Make some suggestions of how to improve the cost effectiveness of some of the value chain elements.
•Carry out a PESTLE analysis of Morrisons supermarket United Kingdom.
•Discuss the results of your analysis and any conclusions you can make concerning the organisations mid to long-term future.
•What trends might be useful to monitor as a performance indicator for strategic actions the organisation might take?
•Use the PESTLE grids we looked at this week and submit copies with your answer
6) Produce a table that records the features of the competitive positioning strategies of:
o Ryan Air, BMW and Rolls Royce.
• Where does each of these organisations fit in the Porter Generic Strategy Model?
• Describe how each organisation sustains their competitive advantage

7) Using the organisation you chose to answer question 4 (Value Chain){organisation is Huddersfield University

• Using appropriate tools and techniques conduct a current and future stakeholder analysis for the chosen organisation.
• Record and discuss your findings
(The current analysis should identify the main stakeholders today (late 2015), whilst the future analysis should identify potential new and emerging stakeholders)

write a conclusion of all the answers you gave