What aspects of a bio-psycho-social plus approach to addiction do you see as being particularly important here?

Addiction: Bio-Psycho-Social Plus – Wheres the Balance?
We have been exploring the dimensional factors that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of addiction. The bio-psycho-social plus approach goes beyond the original three dimensions to include other factors, including culture and spirituality. Using course materials and other information, propose how you would construct an integrated model of addictive behaviours, and discuss the implications for preventing addictive behaviours. Consider individual, family, community and societal contexts.


5. Addiction, Gender & Recovery
Recently, Ann Dowsett Johnson wrote a best-selling book, Drink: the intimate relationship between women and alcohol, in which she argues that the dynamics that creates addiction issues for women has distinctive characteristics. The argument could be made for other categories of gender as well: people who identify in the rainbow cluster: gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, trans-sexual, two spirit and intersex, as well as heterosexual men. Explore the issues of addiction and recovery as they relate to gender and identity. What aspects of a bio-psycho-social plus approach to addiction do you see as being particularly important here? Are there other considerations that you would include?

Use the course readings and bibliography to assist you in your project. Feel free to draw upon other materials that you may need to draw on to complete your project, including the library, the media, and the Internet.

Include a cover page that contains your name, student number, date of submission, instructors name, course name and number, and the title for the paper.

Bibliographic references should employ APA style: Author. (Year of publication). Title. City: Publisher.

Pages should be numbered. Use double spacing. Use 12-point font.
A portion of the mark will be for your ability to communicate clearly and effectively, including use of bibliography and references. Other marks will be awarded for scholarship and research: information gathering, analysis, and commentary.