What are your goals dreams or plans for the future both professionally as well as personally?

There are two parts to this assignment. First, you will analyze yourself in relation to a number of questions about your personal ethical beliefs, values, and goals. This portion of the journal will be completed by answering the questions under “Personal Profile” below. In the second portion of the assignment, you will also explain the three fundamental principles you would use to guide a company that you owned or began, and then you will explain why you find those principles the most important for running a company.

Please answer all questions in detail. Because this journal is worth 5% of your final grade, there is a high expectation for your participation. Grades for the journals are based on content, critical engagement, quality of reflection, and detail. Please submit the completed journal via the Assignment Basket found in the Week Three Journal tab on the left navigation toolbar by Day 7.

Personal Profile
Describe and conduct research on yourself (Sachteleben, n.d.). Reflect on the following questions and explain your answers to these attributes and questions in paragraph form.

1. Describe your personality (choose 3 power words)
Thoughtful, Extrovert and Passionate
2. Explain your primary ethical perspectives.
a. What are the ways that you try to live an ethically good life and why do you think that these ways are the best ways? I always think about how I would feel if I were on the receiving end of my actions. I believe in God so I try to do things that are pleasing to him (I fall short sometimes, but I pray and ask for forgiveness when this happens) My parents raised me to always be the best me and I am always looking at myself and what I can do to improve on me.
b. Feel free to include ethical theory and analysis that you have learned about in your study of the text and articles.
3. What are your primary values? Honesty, Faithfulness, Trust, Hardworking
4. What specific activities reflect your primary values? (e.g., “saving money to help the needy” or “protecting the environment”) We participate in the annual coat drive for the homeless, I also participate in feeding the homeless during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I also have gone green with environmental friendly products and working on increasing my carbon footprint. I am also big on recycling.
5. What are your primary beliefs about life and the way that you interact in your place of business or work? In personal and business I believe in treating others as you would want to be treated. I believe in honesty and hardwork. Doing these things have always worked for me.
6. What causes do you participate or hope to participate in? I want to participate in the fight against hunger.
7. What are your pet peeves? Dishonesty is a pet peeve, because I believe that if you lie, you would steal and if you steal you would kill.
8. What are your goals, dreams, or plans for the future both professionally as well as personally? I want to complete my undergrade degree and pursue my Masters. I also want to focus on growing my own business in Interior Design and Construction Management.
9. Have you ever had any unusual experiences? (e.g., “Worked in the peace corps in the Sudan,” “Went to school in Germany,” “Survived a severe storm,” “Met a famous person,” “Home-schooled my kids.”) Ive meet several famous people but Im not starstruck.
10. Do you belong to any groups or have any affiliations that help to orient your life? Not at this time. Im so busy with work and school that I dont have the time to commit fully to any groups right now.