What are the most important revolutions of the period studied?

From your perspective and from what we have covered in the course, What are the most important revolutions of the period studied? Discuss how two primary works studied helped to shape these revolutions and/or were themselves products of the revolutions.
Note primary works mean books like those of More, Voltaire, Locke, Machiavelli, Newton, Nietzsche, Darwin, and Marx etc.
This is the chapters that we used

Review” page 77-88, 190-194
Chapter 13 and The Prince pages 38-84

The Prince pages 84-123

The Prince pages 124-189

Chapter 14

Chapter 15 and 16

The Merchant of Venice pages 7-91

The Merchant of Venice pages 95-203

Chapter 17

Norton pages 289-313 and Chapter 18

Norton pages 645-656

Chapter 19 and 20

Norton pages 683-704

Chapter 21 and 22

Norton pages 736-763 and Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Norton pages 1369-1381 and Chapter 25

Norton pages 1381-1398

Norton pages 1632-1690 and Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Norton pages 1396-1402 and Chapter 28

Norton pages 1723-1735

Norton pages 2003-2018 and Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Norton pages 2096-2102 and Chapter 31

Norton pages 2102-2112 and 32

Chapter 33