What are the anticipated outcomes – for self / clients / colleagues?

First, decide what my goals and objective then type of information should include which depends on audience. I will search for Information which based on accepted scientific evidence.
It may take two month
What do I need to learn to carry out the project?
Understand the issue purpose and scope and indented audience hoe this will help to meet their need. Key information for family and order and content of information. Moreover, signposting for other source of information such as (organization and websites). Use templets, design and layout for information.
What obstacles do I anticipate?
How to make it in effective way and decide which information will be included because it is a huge topic
Write up the leaflet for family and use clear language to enable them th understand it.
How will I show what I have learnt?
By producing the leaflet and application in public area. And reflect or evaluate it
What are the anticipated outcomes – for self / clients / colleagues?
For my self, it would help to improve nursing role as educator for patient and family also try to carry out different ways of education project like leaflet.
For client and family, deliver information which they are need it and make sure that meet their needs. Family can apply this information in their life and make it available for them.