What are the advantages to retailers of sharing inventory?

Summarizing the case study in no more than 2 pages but no less then 1 page (12 Times New Roman Font, single space).

2- Provide detailed Calculation of the case study showing the how JITD system will work

3. Respond to the questions below.

Case Discussion Questions:
1. Answer these questions about the Barilla case study:
a. Diagnose the underlying causes of the difficulties that the JITD program was created to solve. What are the benefits of this program?
b. What conflicts or barriers internal to Barilla does the JITD program create? What causes these conflicts? As Giorgio Maggiali, how would you deal with this?
c. As one of Barillas customers, what would your response to JITD be? Why?
d. In the environment in which Barilla operated in1990, do you believe JITD would be feasible? Effective? If so, which customers would you target next? How would you convince them that the JITD program was worth trying? If not, what alternatives would you suggest to combat some of the difficulties that Barillas operating system faces?
2. Discuss how each of the following helps to alleviate the bullwhip effect:
a. E-commerce and the Internet.
b. Express delivery.
c. Collaborative forecasts.
d. Everyday low pricing.
e. Vendor-managed inventory (VMI).
f. Supply contracts.
3. What are the advantages to retailers of sharing inventory? For instance, suppose you go to a car dealer to find a blue model, and he doesnt have that model in stock. Typically, he will obtain the model from another local dealer. What are the disadvantages to the retailer?
4. Discuss five ways that the lead times within a supply chain can be reduced.
5. Consider the supply chain for breakfast. Discuss the competing objectives of the farmers who make the raw materials, the manufacturing division of the company that makes the cereal, the logistics division of the company that makes the cereal, the marketing division of the company that makes the cereal, the distribution arm of the grocery chain that sells the cereal, and the manager of an individual grocery store that sells the cereal.