What are some the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?

write a 5-7 page paper using APA standards for citation of sources that focuses on the following:

Interview two different individuals regarding their positions in society. Analyze their responses regarding:

Identify each persons class, race, and gender.What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives? How do you see these stratifies as playing a role, even if the interviewee is unaware of it?Apply one of the sociological perspectives (structural-functional, social-conflict, or symbolic-interaction) to the individuals lives. Why did you choose this particular perspective? How does it explain each persons life and life choices?What are some the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?Analyze each persons components of culture (language, symbols, material objects, and behaviors) and relate them to his/her stratified position in society.

Please post your completed paper in the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Described each persons class, race, and gender.


Evaluated the role of social stratification.


Applied a sociological perspective to each subject.


Explained the benefits and limitations of the research methodology.


Analyzed the components of culture and related them to social stratification.


Presentation Components

Organization: Introduction, Transitions, Conclusion.


Style: Tone, Audience, Word Choice.


Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure.


APA Elements: Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations (when appropriate or assigned).

