What are some opportunity for investors to invest in Cuba and why.

Tourism in Cuba Before the Socialist Revolution

– Touristic Boom under Baptist
– The Dark side of the a Corrupted industry
– Gap Between the Major part of the population and the Elite
– Monetization and value of the currency compared to the dollar (and the economic reasoning for this valuation)

II- Tourism in Under Socialism (this will be a small part of the paper as it is not as relevant as before the rev. and after the rev.)

– what where the major changes in tourism industry
– who attended the tourist
– from where were the tourist from and why them
– Monetization and value of the currency compared to the dollar (and the economic reasoning for this valuation)

III- Tourism Today and Tomorrow (this is an optimistic view on how tourism has started to grow in Cuba and how it will continue to grow)

-what are the major political changes that have allowed for the growth in tourism in Cuba in the recent year(s).

– investors and tourist are from what demographics and why them.
– Who are the first investors going into Cuba?
– What is cubas agenda when it comes to tourism. There is a big debate on cubas private property rights. Investors might view Cuba as risky due to the governments socialist tendencies of nationalizing business and property.
– What are some opportunity for investors to invest in Cuba and why. Why effects will that bring to the economy? How will that develop.
– Please remember that a major topic of the paper is to talk about monetary policy including the valuation of the Cuban peso compared to the dollar.