What are cognitive, affective, and behavioral psychiatric nursing interventions?

What are cognitive, affective, and behavioral psychiatric nursing interventions?

Mental Health Key Terms: 1) Type the definition of each of the KEY TERM from the 1st page of each of the 39 chapters from the Psychiatric—Mental Health Nursing: Evidence-Based Concepts, Skills, and Practices by Wanda K. Mohr. 2) Cite the page in the textbook each key term is found. 3) Submit all the Key Terms in one document. pls write out key terms from each chapter and definitions

Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 13, Individual Therapies and Nursing Interventions

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. After a conflict with a coworker, you are feeling upset and stressed. You begin to doubt your abilities as a nurse and are engaging in self-defeating thinking.

a. When you are upset and stressed, in whom do you confide? Does talking about your experience help? If you were caring for a patient who felt as if he or she had no one to confide in, what would you suggest?

b. How can you use the techniques of rational-emotive behavior therapy to confront self-defeating thinking?


2. An individual has decided to seek psychotherapy but is not sure which approach would be best.

a. What is psychotherapy?

b. Compare and contrast cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution-focused therapy, and client-centered therapy.

c. In your opinion, which type of psychotherapy do you believe would be most effective in changing behavior? Why?

1, 4

3. After spending several days as a nursing student in a mental health facility, you become interested in the role of the psychiatric nurse.

a. Compare and contrast the role of the basic-level psychiatric–mental health registered nurse and the advanced-level psychiatric–mental health advanced practice registered nurse.

b. What nursing interventions can be implemented by the basic-level psychiatric–mental health registered nurse?

5, 6, 7

4. You are caring for a mental health client. The client expresses to you that he does not understand the need for or goals of therapy.

a. Explain the purpose and goals of therapy to the client.


Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 14, Groups and Group Interventions

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. As a nursing student and as an individual, there are various groups in which you have the opportunity to participate.

a. Identify which groups you find personally satisfying and enriching and which groups you find difficult and problematic. What is different about each kind of group?

b. How do you feel about sharing personal feelings in a group setting? Does the kind of group make any difference? If so, describe how.

1, 2

2. You have been asked to lead a support group for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

a. List and describe the different leadership styles. Which style do you believe that you would use for this support group?

b. After the first group meeting, you are asked to analyze the different roles that the group members assumed. What are the different roles that group members can assume? Which ones can interfere with group functioning?

3, 4

3. A psychologist refers a patient with depression to group therapy.

a. What are the advantages and disadvantages of group therapy?

7, 8

4. Your mental health nursing instructor has just lectured on types of group therapy.

a. What are the different types of group therapy?

b. Compare and contrast the various types of group therapy.


5. Your nursing instructor has assigned you to lead a group activity for the mental health class on the stages of group development.

a. Describe the stages of group development.


Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 15, Families and Family Interventions

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. Mark is a 22-year-old college student and is the primary caregiver for his 15-year-old brother. Mark’s younger brother was just diagnosed with a mental illness.

a. If you were in Mark’s place, what effect would the mental illness have on you?

b. Think of a time when a family member was suffering from an illness or when stress was occurring in your family. What were your needs during this time? What kind of nursing support would have been helpful?


2. Sam and Joan have been married for 25 years and have three children: Max, who is 23; Janet, who is 19; and Sarah, who is 15. Janet has just been diagnosed with a mental illness.

a. Describe the objective and subjective burdens each family member may experience.

b. Describe the meaning this diagnosis may have to Janet’s parents, younger sibling, and older sibling.

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3. Bobbie is a 54-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Her husband, Larry, has been very supportive and accepting of the mental illness diagnosis. Her two children, ages 15 and 17 are worried that they might also develop bipolar disorder but are also very supportive of their mother. The family feels that they do not have the knowledge and skills to handle the condition and decide to enroll in family consultation.

a. Why do you believe it is important to involve the family in the treatment of clients?

b. Describe family consultation. How is it different from family therapy?

c. Describe the components of family consultation.

d. Describe the role of the nurse as a family consultant.

4, 8, 9

4. You are caring for a patient with an anxiety disorder on the psychiatric unit. The family is present with the patient. Your instructor talked in the mental health course about cognitive, affective, and behavioral psychiatric nursing interventions.

a. What are cognitive, affective, and behavioral psychiatric nursing interventions?

b. Give some examples of cognitive, affective, and behavioral psychiatric nursing interventions you could apply to the care of this family.

Discussion Topics, Mohr Chapter 16, Psychopharmacology

Discussion Topics Learning Objective

1. You are caring for a 52-year- old woman who has been prescribed a major antipsychotic (neuroleptic) agent. After explaining the potential side effect, the client refuses to take the medication. a. How would you feel about taking a major antipsychotic (neuroleptic) agent, realizing the many side effects that these medications can cause? b. For psychoactive medications to be effective, client adherence is essential. How would you respond to a client who continually fails to follow his or her medication regimen?


2. Carmen is a 40-year- old woman who suffers from severe depression. Her physician has tried several different antidepressants that have been unsuccessful in treating her condition. The physician is now considering placing Carmen on a tricyclic antidepressant or a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. a. What type of client education would you want to provide to a client who is prescribed a tricyclic antidepressant? b. What type of client education would you want to provide to a client who is prescribed a monoamine oxidase inhibitor?

6, 7

3. Lenny is a 53-year- old man who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He is seeing a psychiatric nurse practitioner, who has prescribed lithium. a. What type of client education would you want to provide to a client who is prescribed lithium? b. What are the therapeutic and toxic blood levels of lithium?

6, 7

4. A client in your care is very anxious about taking his newly prescribed medication for depression, Pristiq. You attempt to alleviate his concerns about taking a new drug through medication education. a. Explain the FDA’s process of approving new drugs. b. Discuss the principles of adherence and efficacy in relation to psychotropic medications. c. Identify the classification, neurotransmitters involved, and the disorders for which the client’s medication is prescribed. d. What is the action, recommended dosage, route of administration, side effects, potential adverse effects, contraindications, and nursing implications for the client’s medication, Pristiq?

Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 17, Integrative Therapies

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. One of your family members is diagnosed with a medical condition and chooses to use both traditional Western treatments and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies.

a. What are your personal feelings and beliefs about CAM approaches to healing? Have you ever sought treatment with an alternative approach? If so, what were the results? How has this affected your role as a nurse?

b. How do you feel about the client who rejects traditional medicine and seeks alternative measures for a health problem?

1, 2

2. While caring for a client with depression, he tells you that when his sister was suffering from the same condition, she used herbs and acupuncture. He tells you that he would like to know more about CAM therapies.

a. What is the difference between complementary and alternative treatments?

b. Identify and describe one type of CAM therapy for each category of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine classifications.

1, 3

3. During your psychiatric–mental health rotation at a hospital, you are asked to give the other nurses a presentation about CAM treatments for psychiatric conditions.

a. Choose one of the following conditions: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, addictive disorders, or cognitive disorders. Identify and explain at least one CAM treatment that can be used for your chosen condition. Also list any potential side effects, if any.

4, 5

Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 18, Somatic Therapies

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been found to be an effective treatment for mental health disorders.

a. What is the indication for ECT?

b. How has your perception of ECT changed after learning more about the procedure?

c. Describe the potential side effects of ECT and the nurse’s role in caring for a client receiving ECT.

2, 3

2. Jackson has been diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder after suffering from depression over the fall and winter months for the past 3 years.

a. List the information that you would provide Jackson about phototherapy.


3. A client wishes to know more about nonpharmacological somatic therapies.

a. Compare and contract transcranial magnetic stimulation, deep brain stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation, and psychosurgery.

5, 7

4. Your nursing instructor has been teaching on somatic therapies in the mental health class today. Your client has an order for a somatic therapy the following day, so you go in to provide client education.

a. What are somatic therapies?

b. Discuss the different types included in this classification.

c. Which somatic therapy do you believe is most effective and why?


Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 19, Inpatient Care Settings

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. While doing a clinical rotation in a psychiatric–mental health facility, a client is involuntarily committed.

a. Would you feel differently caring for a client who was voluntarily or involuntarily committed?

b. Have you ever witnessed a client be involuntarily committed inappropriately? If yes, how did that make you feel? If not, how would that make you feel?

c. Do you believe that involuntary commitment orders are necessary? Why or why not?


2. You are caring for a psychiatric–mental health client who would like more information on different mental health care settings.

a. What are the different levels of care for inpatient settings?

b. Define and explain the different types of inpatient settings.


3. You are working for a psychiatric–mental health facility that uses traditional milieu therapy.

a. Explain the five steps of milieu therapy.

b. Explain one of the roles of the nurse in milieu therapy (fostering self-care; providing client education; conducting community meetings or life skills groups; administering medications; or working with support groups).

c. Do you believe milieu therapy is effective? Why or why not?

3, 4

Discussion Topics, Mohr

Chapter 20, Community and Home Psychiatric Care

Discussion Topics

Learning Objective

1. During your psychiatric–mental health nursing rotation, you have been asked to spend several days with a home health nurse.

a. How would you feel about caring for someone in his or her home?

b. What are some reasons that you would prefer to have a family member treated in your home rather than in an institutional setting?

c. What difficulties do you think a psychiatric home care nurse might encounter in the home compared with the hospital setting?

d. What would you find challenging and rewarding about working in the home setting?

10, 11

2. Jeremy is a 42-year old man who suffers from severe and persistent mental illness. His family is interested in finding out more about preventative services.

a. What is the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention services?

b. Provide a list of community services available in your local area. Identify the services as primary, secondary, or tertiary.

1, 2

3. Your local community is looking to increase the mental health services available to citizens. A community support system is being developed and will be run by the health department.

a. List and explain the three tenets of community support systems.

b. List one of the principles that are basic to psychiatric rehabilitation. Explain how an institution could strive to achieve this principle.


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