What actually comes to ones mind when he thinks of bakery?

What actually comes to one’s mind when he thinks of bakery? Let’s think in chronological order; B for bread, A for almonds, E for eggs, R for red velvet cakes and off course Y for Yummy. In actual a bakery is much more than this. It is luring, resourceful, marketable and off course profitable too. Reasons for opening a bakery store First of all, people can never stop eating so there will always be an endless demand of food by human being. As per the statistical data of Canada, a large number of people in Canada use bakery product in their breakfast and the ratio are considerably increasing. On the other hand, bakery business added around $2.7 billion to GDP of Canada in 2010 and the trend is on the increasing side from past 8 years (ic.gc.ca). Thus, a lavishing payback and my passion as a baker can make this investment a very profitable venture