The main function of a nurse case manager

The main function of a nurse case manager (NCM) within a case management model is interprofessional collaboration to improve care coordination, patient and provider satisfaction, and patient outcomes. To foster interprofessional collaboration across care teams I would facilitate relationships among various stakeholders through purposeful strategy meetings to communicate common goals of delivering high quality care to patients while leveraging the unique skillsets of various team members. Through these interactions, relationship form and knowledge are shared to come to a place of agreement to carry out impactful outcomes. Permitting and promoting a constant flow of communication for both internal and external stakeholders will increase trust and collaboration among the organization.

This model supports the person-centred nursing (PCN) framework by McCormack and McCance because the PCN Framework is based on relationships. Forming and fostering healthful relationships between patients, their loved ones, and providers and showing respect promotes holistic nursing care and improved quality outcomes (McCormack & McCance, 2017). Implementing this model promotes holistic nursing, provides individualized patient care, empowers shared decision making, and ultimately impacts quality patient care outcomes (Fessele, Yendro, & Mallory, 2014). Most often this model is referred to direct patient care however, the concepts in this model are relatable to nurse leadership roles as person-centered nursing results in positive outcomes for nurses, staff, teams, and organizations (McCormack & McCance, 2017).



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