Should advertising be banned on television shows aimed at preschool children?

Research Paper
Write an argumentative research paper where you form your own perspective on an issue (establish an argument) and then use evidence (research) to support your ideas. You can challenge a position or idea, present an opposing perspective, disagree with certain ideas or the evidence used, and so forth. Make your opposition clear, but also be fair to the position you are attempting to refute. It is especially important that your readers be able to understand whatever you are analyzing, even if they aren’t familiar with it. Don’t hesitate to summarize, paraphrase, or quote from the material.
1.) It might be helpful to first start with a question. Consider your topic and turn it into a question. For example…
• Should college admissions decisions be based strictly on academic achievement?
• Should advertising be banned on television shows aimed at preschool children?
• Should varsity athletes get paid for playing sports that bring in revenue?
2.) Answer the question, from your own perspective, and include a BECAUSE statement. (What is/are the reason(s) for your perspective)?
*In a nutshell, you are taking a stance and creating a perspective on your particular topic. You’re forming your own argument. In order to be convincing, you need to research your subject and find supporting evidence to sustain your chosen “side.”

*Remember to cite your sources. Any time you use a statement, thought, paragraph, etc. that is NOT your own, you must put quotation marks around it and give the page number. Here’s an example…
According to Ruszkiewicz’s text, How To Write Anything, it states, “Books published by presses associated with colleges and universities are reputable sources for college papers” (483).
Works Cited Page
**Provide a separate Works Cited page. Please refer to the “Help With MLA Format” D2L Content item. You can find helpful tidbits and reminders about how to structure your paper, cite sources, and document your sources (the Works Cited page). Be sure and let me know if you have questions about this.

Use the following as a checklist/model to guide you as you go…
• Lay out the problem and explain what’s at stake. Set up the situation. This all should happen early on in your essay/argument. Are you trying to fix a problem? Correct a misrepresentation of something? What is the issue you’re refuting and why?
• Build toward your claim. Usually (but not always), your claim (which is your thesis statement) is going to be near the end of your introduction.
• Use your evidence and supporting reasons as your body paragraphs. They support your overall claim and will help convince readers that your point is valid.
• Use your best evidence for the end. Finish with a bang. Readers are most likely to remember the concluding points of your argument. Put your strongest “reason” at the end.