Research Paper Title is Diabetes in older people.

Question descriptionThe paper topic should be an issue related to health and aging about 6-7 pages . I choose topic on Diabetes in older people.


Research Paper Title

I. Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to health and aging, and present a focused thesis statement.

II. Body: Main points and articles your will use to support your point.

A. Main point 1 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
B. Main point 2 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
C. Main point 3 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
D. Etc.

III. Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points.


Sources must have been published in the last five years.
Appropriate sources are scholarly professional journals
Library databases recommended for this assignment include CINHAHL (Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and AgeLine.
No more than two websites may be used, and they must be evaluated for trustworthiness at Evaluating Website
APA guides: APA Manual, Purdue OWL online website, Owl APA Format Guide and UMCU library tutorial APA Tutorial
it should be 10 references

I choose these referencesReferences

1. Williams, J. (2016). Effective team working to improve diabetes care in older people. Journal Of Diabetes Nursing, 20(4), 137-141 5p.

2. Dunning, T. (2015). Overview of cardiovascular risk in older people with diabetes: Basic pathophysiology, risk factors and management. Journal Of Diabetes Nursing, 19(9), 353-359 7p.

3. Yates, R., & Menon, J. (2015). The challenges of managing type 1 diabetes in older people. Journal Of Diabetes Nursing, 19(4), 143-147 5p.

4. Valencia, W. M., & Florez, H. (2014). Pharmacological treatment of diabetes in older people. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism,16(12), 1192-1203. doi:10.1111/dom.12362

5. ( i didnt do citation of this article) APA style

.6. Da Costa, S. (2016). How low is too low for older people with diabetes?. Journal Of Diabetes Nursing, 20(4), 136-136 1p.

7. Gadsby, R. (2014). Diabetes care for older people: A practical view on management. Diabetes & Primary Care, 16(5), 259-267 9p

8. Phillips, A., & Phillips, S. (2014). Diabetes in older people: making the right nutritional choices. Nursing & Residential Care, 16(7), 372-376 5p.

9. Williams, J. (2013). Promoting self-management and independence in older people with diabetes. Journal Of Diabetes Nursing,17(9), 347-350 4p.

10. Bennett, K. (2015). Diabetes in older people. Clinical Medicine, 15(5), 465-467.