Relevance of your topic to the nursing profession and what you will do as an advanced practice nurse to advocate for this topic

Relevance of your topic to the nursing profession and what you will do as an
advanced practice nurse to advocate for this topic

The African American Woman: Post Partum Depression/Complications (Social Determinants of Health)

Each student will then research their chosen topic/issue, and write an 8-10 page academic paper
(exclusive of the title page and references), using proper APA format.
Criteria for the evaluation of the national policy paper are: (See Grading Rubric)
1. Introduction of the topic/issue, background information/data, importance of topic, (5
2. Exploration and analysis of facts related to your topic. Current state of the policy and
your plan(s) to make changes to the policy (15 points)
3. Relevance of your topic to the nursing profession and what you will do as an
advanced practice nurse to advocate for this topic (5 points)
4. Use of evidenced based research literature (5 points)
5. Conclusions and next steps (3 points)
6. Adherence to APA format, grammar, spelling, structure (2 point)