Provide concluding statements summarizing the content. nr506 healthcare policy planning your visit.

The purpose of this assignment is to: (a) identify communication strategies that support an effective policy making-presentation/visit; (b) deliver a message and make recommendations, and (c) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner. nr506 healthcare policy planning your visit.


Assignment Criteria for Presentation

  1. Introduce your chosen policy issue, the current status, and an overview of your plan for a legislative visit.
  2. Articulate key communication strategies involved in your approach to the legislator including plan, message, and recommendations; see Worksheet 2 and again, the focus is on evidence-based communication techniques for effective healthcare policy visit to the legislator. nr506 healthcare policy planning your visit.
  3. Provide an analysis of empirical evidence of effective communication strategies and techniques to support an effective visit and follow-up to the legislator.
  4. Provide specific examples of the impact and/or importance of a successful visit/presentation to nursing.
  5. Paper will be 2-3 pages, excluding title and reference pages, and in APA format 6th
  6. Five non-text book references are required as minimum.

Preparing the nr506 healthcare policy planning your visit Paper

Following completion of Planning Your Visit Ungraded Worksheet 2, target communication strategies that support an effective policymaking visit. Include a minimum of five (5) classic references or current references (published within the past 5 years) that support your policy plan, the message, recommendations, and follow-up.